Abbott / Alere Toxicology
iScreen i-DUC-111 Specimen Validity & Adulteration SVT Test Strips by Alere 25/BTL
iScreen Validity & Adulteration SVT / AD Test Strips by Alere # DUC-111
Adulteration Test Strips or Specimen Validity Test (S.V.T.) are a rapid, one step screening test for the simultaneous detection of Creatinine,
Nitrite, Glutaraldehyde, pH, Specific Gravity, and Oxidants/Pyridinium Chlorochromate (PCC) in human urine. They are an important pre-screening
test for any instant drug testing program. The instant drug Adulteration Strips are a fast dip-and-read test for the determination of diluted
or adulterated urine specimens.
The one step dip-and-read specimen validity test semi-quantitatively analyzes a urine specimen for 7 parameters on 6 reactive pads in one easy step.
Note: This device is for forensic use only
Creatinine | Daily creatinine excretion, related to muscle mass of the human body, is usually constant. Urine specimens with creatinine levels of less than 20 mg/dl are indications of adulteration. This test covers the most common form of specimen tampering, specimen dilution. Dilution using diuretics is also often referred to as “flushing.” |
Glutaraldehyde | Tests for the presence of exogenous aldehyde. Glutaraldehyde is not a natural component of human urine and it should not be present in normal urine. Common occurrences are the additives of such products such as Clear Choice or UrinAid. |
Nitrite | Tests for the presence of exogenous nitrate. Nitrate level above 7.5 mg/dl in human urine is considered abnormal. Common occurrences are the additive of such products as Klear. |
Oxidants & PCC | Tests for the presence of oxidants, such as bleach, hydrogen peroxide and Pyridinium Chlorochromate, in the urine. |
pH Level | Tests for the presence of acidic and alkaline adulterants. Normal urine pH ranges from 4.0 to 9.0. Values below pH 4.0 or above pH 9.0 are indicative of adulteration. |
Specific Gravity | Tests for sample dilution. Normal levels for specific gravity will range from 1.003-1.030. Specific gravity levels of less than 1.003 or higher than 1.030 is an indication of adulteration. |
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